Tavola di San Giuseppe

A traditional, beautiful table was prepared for a sold out crowd of 70 guests at Elio's Pizza on Fire in Addison.  Padre Vittorio Bruscella gave a very special blessing upon the table, the food, and all of the guests present.
Guests received the traditional “panino di San Giuseppe” (the St. Joseph bun) to be placed in the freezer for blessings throughout the year.  In addition to the panino, guests received  a fave bean representative of the crop of salvation.  May you never go hungry!  
Anonymous intentions were also made.  These intentions were sent to the Sister's of Providence where a mass will be celebrated in honor of these intentions.  The intentions will remain in the Shrine of St Mother Theodore Guerin for a year.  At the end of the year, the intentions will be burned.
Donations were also made to our                                                    National Italian Parish, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.
Grazie di cuore to all who attended this very special                         Tavola di San Giuseppe