Jack Caporale…After his first year at Harper
Thank you Lyn Scolaro (President of SADIA). My name is Jack Caporale and I’m attending William Rainey Harper College. Next year, I’ll be entering my second and final year at Harper College before I transfer to a four year university to finish up my college education. I’m grateful for the contribution that SADIA made a year ago towards my college education.
The contribution SADIA helped pay off some of my tuition for both semesters of my first year of college. My tuition covered the payment for the courses I took and the resources that Harper offered me such as 1 on 1 career counseling. As a result, I was able to explore my career options and get to know myself while figuring out what I want to do for the rest of my life.
When it comes to career exploration, I have come a long way since a year ago as I have been able to explore my career options through my courses while completing those general education courses.. When I applied for the SADIA Scholarship, I was interested in pursuing Education or Computer Science. I also was interested in mentoring younger generations by sharing with them some of the wisdom that was passed down to me from older generations such as my parents. I realized that I actually was not passionate about going into a career in Education. That all changed when I took Discrete Math.
I realized that I wasn’t truly passionate about Computer Science as I felt that the concepts that we were learning in this course didn’t truly connect with me. My Academic Advisor recommended that I take a Career course at Harper called Career Development that allowed me to further explore my career options by taking career inventories to better understand who I was as a person. The Career Development course allowed me to truly understand who I was as a person by taking some career inventories that helped identify which career options I should consider.
Over the course of my first academic year at Harper College, I held 2 jobs; one as a crew member at a McDonald’s and the other at One Stop, the information desk at Harper College that helps students with any questions such as financial aid and registering for classes. I enjoy helping others since it makes me feel good.
When I look forward to the next school year, I will continue to research many different career options that may lead to me making a good career decision in which I can have a career that I will deeply enjoy doing on a daily basis. My goal is to transfer to a four year institution. In addition, another major goal of mine within the next year is to do an internship next summer within the career option that I choose so that I can put myself out there in that career field that I select. I would like to thank SADIA again for your contribution towards my college education and to continue my success as a student from high school into college!
.Jack Caporale, Conant High School '22